Friday, January 28, 2011

Magazine Drive

Help us earn funds to purchase a Nintendo Wii for Longfellow. The paper drive returns and this time we're seeking your magazines, catalogs, and phonebooks! Help us collect as many magazines, catalogs, and phonebooks as possible throughout the month of February.

In thanks, Longfellow will purchase a book for our classroom library for every 50 pounds of recycling you bring in.


Friday, January 21, 2011

2nd Grade News

Dear Parents,
  • The Second Grade students are writing about different countries. I like that we are writing about different countries because other people can learn about the countries. -JW
  • We are almost to the third quarter! We can not wait! -EB
  • Look for Scholastic Book Order forms to come home in February. Please help our class earn free books by buying books for your child. - Mrs. Mueller

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Please consider donating money towards read along books on cd for our classroom.
Please click here!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Tikatok is a free online writing tool for students to use. The Second Grade students will be using this site to create stories. Parents will have the opportunity to purchase these books. To learn more about Tikatok, please visit Tikatok.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Throughout the second quarter, students have been working on creating Non-Fiction Fact Books. Mrs. Mueller's students created animal fact books. These books are on display in the classroom. Their next fact book will be on a country. Students will go to the computer lab and research their country using an online website called Culture Grams. Please ask your child about what they have learned.